Here comes the sun…

It was slow in coming and then when spring finally arrived we were reminded that weather comes in all forms and here in Wisconsin they often show themselves all on the same day. I experienced blue skies and black clouds with sunshine and snow one Friday afternoon. For the longest time there was nothing new to report in my sit-spot sessions. The water was still noisy, the birds still chirped and other than one yet-to-be identified (I have been told by at least 2 fellow park goers that it is an invasive species) plant there had been no green to speak of (or in my case, write of). That has finally changed. I spotted daffodils and a blue flower I do not know (of course I just returned that wildflower guide book to my teacher). The stone walls are getting covered in wonderfully soft looking green moss. Little buds are appearing everywhere on the trees and bushes. Small green shoots are bursting through the faded brown carpet of dead leaves which now frequently rustles with the passage of squirrels.
There has also been an increase in activity of the human variety, as there usually is when the Wisconsin weather finally turns kind. The people I encounter in Seven Bridges are always polite, frequently friendly and on more than one occasion outright helpful. I am aware these journaling assignments are supposed to be about the natural space but with the arrival of spring my area of observation has included more and more of my fellow beings. I cannot tell a lie; I sometimes move my observation spot farther away from the paths if I am there at a busy time.
I am going to include a bunch of pictures of my last session in this blog. I will write captions but any plant or tree I have yet to identify I will leave blank until I do. If anyone can identify the blank ones, please let me know in the comments, thank you.

blue mystery flower

blue mystery flower

Mob of blue mystery flower

Mob of blue mystery flower

mossy rock wall

mossy rock wall

More mossy rock walls

More mossy rock walls

This was the first of anything green seen.

This was the first of anything green seen.

Here it is close up...the plant I've been told is invasive but cannot get an identification on.

Here it is close up…the plant I’ve been told is invasive but cannot get an identification on.

tree fungus

tree fungus

daffodils somebody must have planted

daffodils somebody must have planted